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5th Avenue, New York - United States




+10 724 1234 567

Professional Skills


Our team of Professional Skills trainers and facilitators build the soft skills needed to improve our client’s effectiveness. Our experts create a big impact and an interactive learning experience through experiential learning activities with active reviewing and tailor-made simulations and cases.

Our clients trust the experience and expertise we provide and use our workshops as stand-alone programs to develop critical skills or as part of training plans to complement a holistic learning program.

Our signature professional skills include Executive presence, global negotiations, presenting to international audience and project management.

  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Presenting to International Audiences
  • Time Management
  • Executive Presence
  • Business Writing and Report Writing
  • Effective Meeting
  • Global Negotiation and Influencing Skills
  • Train the Trainer
  • Project Management
  • HR for Non-HR
  • Finance for Non-Finance

Client Case 1

A Japanese multinational electronics company based in Zhuhai China wanted to improve the communication and presentation skills of their locally identified high potential talent as part of an ongoing learning project. These skills were essential for their development to improve the way they communicate with international clients and senior internal stakeholders from global offices,as well as team members and colleagues across departments.

Sino Associates delivered a two-day Effective Communication and Presentation Skills program that focuses on getting better results through clear and effective communication and targeting presentations to specific audiences with a powerful core message and a clear structure. The program leveraged the DiSC behavioral styles and preferences model to improve the self-awareness of the participants' communication style and the impact it has on outcomes.

As an output of the training,the high potential leaders have created individual projects to leverage their learning and their own capabilities to improve the way they work. Each leader applying the key communication and presentation tools they learned in the training,including Purpose-Details-Actions(PDA),Core Message Map and Seven-Point Storytelling,to deliver impactful presentations to stakeholders.

Global Negotiations and Influence

Client Case 2

The leading Chinese Medical Device maker wanted to create better results working with clients and distributors in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. Internal training on product specifications and features was already very good, however soft skills and influence were not at the levels they hoped to see when sales teams focused overseas.

Working closely with account managers and leadership Sino adapted existing internal cases into cases that better reflected the strategic negotiations and cross-cultural adaptability. The workshop leveraged the Cultural Style Indicator and research into the unique influence needs of different national groups. The result was highly customized session that created greater strategic and tactical adaptability for account managers for multiple regions.

The Negotiations and Influence workshop served as the launching point for expanding intercultural competence focused learning with a program for marketing team members to improve intercultural influence of KOLs in global markets and an ongoing learning series to expand global awareness and adaptability to improve team effectiveness and leadership of overseas teams.